Sunday, August 7, 2016


Inadequate flexion/ Hyperextension

  1. Stance Phase
    1. Primary cause-quads spasticity/ contracture
    2. Hyperextension of the knee – called recurvatum gait may be a result of aggressive medial/lateral distal hams lengthening, e.g. IC cp.
    3. Secondary cause-inc in stance phase ankle PF, which may cause recurvatum.
    4. May reflect a compensatory deviation for knee/patellofemoral pain, weakness of quads-as in polio.
    5. Consequences- dec shock absorption ability
-dec forward progression of tibia & potential injury to posterior knee
-sub-optimal positioning of limb for IC & LR

B) Swing Phase
  1. Primary cause-quads spasticity /contracture e.g. as in stiff knee gait.
  2. Secondary cause – hip flexor weakness,
-PF contracture
3. May occur as a compensatory mechanism for knee pain/quad weakness.
  1. Consequence-impaired foot clearance in initial & mid-swing
-pre-swing knee flexion is lost in PF contracture b/c earlier quads
-control is not terminated in time

  • Knee HE –commonly used to move body forward when tibia can’t advance sufficiently.
  • Induced by body momentum for knee extension stability in quads weakness

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