Sunday, October 16, 2016

Commonly Used Abbreviations for Pediatric PhysicalTherapist


Physical therapist and students here given below is the list of abbreviations to which you must be familiar before entering in the pediatric ward or neonatal ICU


ACE 6-11                      Assessment of Comprehension and Expression 6-11
BPVS                            British Picture Vocabulary Scale
CELF                             Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals
CELF                             Pre Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Pre-School
CLEAR                          Clear phonology screening assessment
DEAP                            Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology
DLS                              Derbyshire Language Scheme
PLS                              Pre-school Language Scales
PSA                              Phonology Screening Assessment
RAPT                            Renfrew Action Picture Test
RDLS                            Reynell Developmental Language Scales
RWFT                           Renfrew Word Finding Test

STAP                            South Tyneside Assessment of Phonology
CANT & THAN               Canterbury & Thanet Verbal Reasoning Scales
MVPT-R                        Motor-Free Visual Perception Test - Revised
DTV-P2                        Developmental Test of Visual Perception 2
Peabody                       Peabody Developmental Motor Scales
TVPS                            Test of Visual- Perceptual Skills (Non Motor)
Beery                           VMI Developmental Test of Visual Motor integration
BOTOMP-2                    Bruininks- Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2
MAP                             Miller Assessment for Preschoolers
MABC-2                        Movement Assessment Battery for Children - 2
Bayleys                        Bayley Scales of Infant Development (II)
Clin Obs                       Observational/Criterion Referenced Assessments
Durrell                          Durrell Test of Handwriting Speed
DASH                           Detailed assessment of Speed of Handwriting
SFA                              School Function Assessment
Sensory Profile             Sensory Profile Questionnaire (Winnie Dunn)
PEDI                            Peadiatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory
AIMS                           Alberta Infant Motor Scale
Chailey level                Chailey Levels of Ability
GMFCS                         Gross Motor Function Classification System
GMFM                          Gross Motor Function Measure
GAS                            Goal Attainment scaling

AHA                            Assisting Hand Assessment

Monday, October 10, 2016

‘Aiyoh’ Is Now Officially A Word In The Oxford English Dictionary (OED)

‘Aiyoh’ Is Now Officially A Word In The Oxford English Dictionary. 

South Indians Rejoice!

The Oxford English Dictionary(OED) just recognized ‘Aiyoh’ and ‘Aiyah’ as real words in English (South Indians rejoice!). 
Like many Indian words, this one is loaded and can mean many things depending on context and tone irritation, disgust, surprise, dismay, pain, lament, disappointment, with “aiyah” and “aiyoh” being interchangeable.


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Must know diseases and treatment list for physiotherapists

Must know diseases and treatment list for physiotherapists

Today we will learn about the condition which a physiotherapist must be thorough before starting his physical therapy practice .Altough every disease and condition is equally important but certain impairments are very important in chemotherapeutic system of medicine. These are the common condition you will be going to face while in practice. These condition and etiology behind the disease must be known to the therapist. Along with this a good physiotherapist should must know about the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.

1 Cartilage damage
2 Degenerative arthritis
3 Dislocation
4 Gout arthritis
5 Impingement syndrome
6 Infective arthritis
7 Inflammatory arthritis
8 Instability of joints
9 Joint pain
10 Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis
11 Kinesiophobia
12 Ligament instability / Injury
13 Myositis ossificans
14 Occupational injury
15 Post surgical rehabilitation
16 Rheumatoid arthritis
17 Sports injuries
18 Sprain
19 Stress fracture
20 Subluxation
21 Synovial plica syndrome
22 Tendinitis
23 Avascular necrosis
24 Avulsion fracture
25 Bursitis
26 Fracture rehabilitation
27 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
28 Brachial plexus injury
29 Cauda equina syndrome
30 Cerebral palsy
31 Coma
32 Dementia
33 Encephalitis
34 Erbs palsy
35 Facial palsy
36 Foot drop
37 Guillain-Barré Syndrome
38 Hydrocephalus
39 Meningitis
40 Motor neuron disease
41 Multiple sclerosis
42 Muscular dystrophy
43 Myasthenia gravis
44 Myasthenia gravis
45 Myopathy
46 Nerve root pain
47 Neuralgia
48 Neuropathy
49 Parkinson’s disease
50 Post polio residual palsy
51 Spina bifida
52 Spinal cord injury
53 stroke
54 Transverse myelitis
55 Traumatic brain injury
56 Upper motor neuron lesion
57 Wrist drop
58 Jaw pain
59 Bells palsy
60 Oromotor problem
61 Allodynia
62 Delayed onset muscle soreness
63 Fibromyalgia
64 Radiculopathy
65 Referred pain
66 Sudden onset muscle soreness
67 Aging
68 Cancer
69 Diabetes
70 Dysarthria
71 HIV
72 Hypertension
73 Urinary incontinence
74 Arthritis
75 developmental disability
76 Muscle strain / muscle tear
77 Myofascial pain syndrome
78 Oestrogenic imperfect
79 Acute Silicosis
80 adult respiratory distress syndrome
81 Asbestosis
82 Asthma
83 Atelectasis
84 Berylliosis
85 Bronchiectasis
86 Bronchitis
87 Cough
88 Cystic fibrosis
89 Emphysema
90 Pleural Effusion
91 Pneumonia
92 pneumothorax
93 Facet impingement / facet lock
94 Post laminectomy
95 Postural syndrome
96 Slipped disc
97 spinal canal stenosis
98 Spinal segmental instability
99 Spinal stenosis
100 Spondylolisthesis

101 Spondylolysis
102 Acute disc herniation
103 Ankylosing Spondylitis
104 Back pain
105 Disc prolapse / disc disorder
106 T4 Syndrome
107 Spinal Stenosis
108 Coccygodynia
109 Cervical myelopathy
110 Cervical canal stenosis
111 Cervical radiculopathy
112 Cervical rib
113 Cervical spondylosis
114 Cervical strain
115 congenital torticollis
116 Low back pain
117 Lumbar spondylosis
118 Lumbar sprain
119 Mechanical back pain
120 Costochondritis
121 Rib dysfunction
122 Sternal chondritis
123 Costochondritis
124 T4 Syndrome
125 Brachial Neuritis
126 Brachial Plexus Injuries
127 Carpal tunnel syndrome
128 Cervical Myelopathy
129 Complex regional pain syndrome
130 Lateral epicondylitis
131 Medial epicondylitis
132 Miners elbow / Olecranon bursitis
133 Acromioclavicular Separation
134 Acute Bursitis
135 Adhesive capsulitis
136 Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
137 Anterior Dislocation
138 Bankart Repair
139 Glenohumeral Joint Instability
140 Impingement Syndrome
141 Painful arc syndrome
142 Periarthritis
143 Proximal Humerus Fractures
144 Rotator Cuff Repair
145 Rotator cuff tear
146 Rotator Cuff Tears
147 SLAP Injury
148 SLAP Lesions
149 Supraspinatus impingement
150 Boutonniere deformity
151 Broken wrist
152 De quervain's tenosynovitis
153 Calf muscle strain
154 Compartmental syndrome
155 Congenital Pseudarthrosis tibia
156 Equinus deformity
157 Gastrocnemius tear
158 Pregnancy
159 Pelvic floor weakness
160 Dysmenorrhea
161 Salpingitis
162 Congenital dislocation of hip
163 Hip pointer
164 Legg calve perthes disease
165 Osteochondritis dissecans
166 Piriformis syndrome
167 Sacral - anterior innominate rotation
168 Sacral - posterior innominate rotation
169 sacral backward torsion
170 sacral downslip
171 Sacral forward torsion
172 Sacral inflare
173 Sacral outflare
174 Sacral upslip
175 Sacro iliac joint arthritis
176 Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
177 Total hip arthroplasty
178 Trochanteric bursitis
179 Anterior cruciate ligament injury
180 condromalasia patella
181 congential genu recurvectum
182 Ilio tibial band friction syndrome
183 Knee instability
184 Knee ligament injury
185 knee meniscus injury
186 Knee pain
187 Knee surgical rehabilitation
188 Lateral collateral ligament strain
189 Medial collateral ligament strain
190 Meniscectomy rehabilitation
191 Meniscus injury
192 Osteoarthritis
193 Patellar bursitis
194 Patellar dislocation / subluxation
195 Patellar tendinitis / rupture
196 patellofemoral pain syndrome
197 Posterior cruciate ligament injury
198 Total knee replacement
199 Unhappy triad / O'Donoghue
200 Achilles tendinitis
201 Achilles tendon rupture
202 Ankle instability
203 Ankle ligament sprain
204 Congenital Talipes equino varus
205 Gastrocnemius Tear
206 Meralgia paresthetica
207 Posterior Tibialis Tendinitis
208 Sever's Disease
209 Morton's Neuroma
210 Pes cavus
211 Pes planus
212 Plantar fasciitis
213 Tarsal tunnel syndrome
214 Turf toe
215 Heel pain
216 Heel spur
217 Metatarsalgia
218 Sesamoiditis

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Medical abbreviations list part 1



-AAA – abdominal aortic aneurysm

-A-a gradient – alveolar to arterial gradient

-AAS – acute abdominal series

-ABD – abdomen

-ABG – arterial blood gas

-AC – before eating

-ACLS – advanced cardiac life support

-ACTH – adrenocorticotropic hormone

-AD – autonomic dysreflexia

-ad lib – as much as needed

-ADH – anti-diuretic hormone

-ADL – activity of daily living

-AF – atrial fibrillation or afebrile

-AFB – acid-fast bacilli

-AFP – alpha-fetoprotein

-AFO – ankle foot orthosis

-A/G – albumin/globulin ratio

-AI – aortic insufficiency

-AKA – above the knee amputation

-ALL – acute lymphocytic leukemia

-ALS – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease)

-amb – ambulate

-AML – acute myelogenous leukemia

-ANA – antinuclear antibody

-AOB – alcohol on breath

-AODM – adult onset diabetes mellitus

-AP – anteroposterior or abdominal – perineal

-ARDS – acute respiratory distress syndrome

-ARF – acute renal failure

-AS – aortic stenosis

-ASAP – as soon as possible

-ASCVD – atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

-ASD – atrial septal defect

-ASHD – atherosclerotic heart disease

-ASIA – American Spinal Injury Association

-AV – atrioventricular

-A-V – arteriovenous

-A-VO2 – arteriovenous oxygen

-BBB – bundle branch block

-BC – bowel care

-BCAA – branched chain amino acids

-BE – barium enema

-BEE – basal energy expenditure

-bid – twice a day

-bilat – bilateral

-BKA – below the knee amputation

-BM – bone marrow or bowel movement

-BMR – basal metabolic rate

-BOM – bilateral otitis media

-BP – blood pressure

-BPH – benign prostatic hypertrophy

-BPM – beats per minute

-BRBPR – bright red blood per rectum

-BRP – bathroom privileges

-BS – bowel or breath sounds

-BUN – blood urea nitrogen

-BW – body weight

-BX – biopsy

-c – with

-C&S – culture and sensitivity

-CA – cancer

-Ca – calcium

-CAA – crystalline amino acids

-CABG – coronary artery bypass graft

-CAD – coronary artery disease

-CAT – computerized axial tomography

-CBC – complete blood count

-CBG – capillary blood gas

-CC – chief complaint

-CCU – clean catch urine or cardiac care unit

-CCV – critical closing volume

-CF – cystic fibrosis

-CGL – chronic granulocytic leukemia

-CHF – congestive heart failure

-CHO – carbohydrate

-CI – cardiac index

-CML – chronic myelogenous leukemia

-CMV – cytomegalovirus

-CN – cranial nerves

-CNS – central nervous system

-CO – cardiac output

-C/O – complaining of

-COLD – chronic obstructive lung disease

-COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

-CP – chest pain or cerebral palsy

-CPAP – continuous positive airway pressure

-CPK – creatinine phosphokinase

-CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation

-CRCL – creatinine clearance

-CRF – chronic renal failure

-CRP – C-reactive protein

-CRTS – certified recreational therapy specialist

-CSF – cerebrospinal fluid

-CSW – certified social worker

-CT – computerized tomography

-CVA – cerebrovascular accident or costovertebral angle

-CVAT – CVA tenderness

-CVP – central venous pressure

-CXR – chest X-ray

-DAT – diet as tolerated

-DAW – dispense as written

-DC – discontinue or discharge

-D&C – dilation and curettage

-DDx – differential diagnosis

-D5W – 5% dextrose in water

-DI – diabetes insipidus

-DIC – disseminated intravascular coagulopathy

-DIP – distal interphalangeal joint

-DJD – degenerative joint disease

-DKA – diabetic ketoacidosis

-dL – deciliter

-DM – diabetes mellitus

-DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid

-DNR – do not resuscitate

-DOA – dead on arrival

-DOE – dyspnea on exertion

-DPL – diagnostic peritoneal lavage

-DPT – diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus

-DTR – deep tendon reflexes

-DVT – deep venous thrombosis

-DX – diagnosis

-EAA – essential amino acids

-EBL – estimated blood loss

-ECD – external continence device

-ECG – electrocardiogram

-ECT – electroconvulsive therapy

-ED – erectile dysfunction

-EFAD – essential fatty acid deficiency

-EMG – Electromyogram

-EMV – eyes, motor, verbal response (Glasgow coma scale)

-ENT – ears, nose, and throat

-EOM – extraocular muscles

-ESR – erythrocyte sedimentation rate

-ET – endotracheal

-ETT – endotracheal tube

-ERCP – endoscopic retrograde cholangio -pancreatography

-ETOH – ethanol

-EUA – examination under anesthesia

-FBS – fasting blood sugar

-FES – functional electrical stimulation

-FEV – forced expiratory volume

-FFP – fresh frozen plasma

-FRC – functional residual capacity

-FTT – failure to thrive

-FU – follow-up

-FUO – fever of unknown origin

-FVC – forced vital capacity

-Fx – fracture

-GC – gonorrhea

-GETT – general by endotracheal tube

-GFR – glomerular filtration rate

-GI – gastrointestinal

-gr – grain; 1 grain = 65mg

-GSW – gun shot wound

-gt or gtt – drops

-GTT – glucose tolerance test

-GU – genitourinary

-GXT – graded exercise tolerance (Stress test)

-HA – headache

-HAA – hepatitis B surface antigen

-HAV – hepatitis A virus

-HBP – high blood pressure

-HCG – human chorionic gonadotropin

-HCT – hematocrit

-HDL – high density lipoprotein

-HEENT – head, eyes, ears, nose, throat

-Hgb – hemoglobin

-H/H – Henderson-Hasselbach equation or hemoglobin/ hematocrit

-HIV – human immunodeficiency virus

-HLA – histocompatibility locus antigen

-HJR – hepatojugular reflex

-HO – history of

-HOB – head of bed

-HPF – high power field

-HPI – history of present illness

-HR – heart rate

-HS – at bedtime

-HSM – hepatosplenomegaly

-HTLV-III – human lymphotropic virus, type III (AIDS agent, HIV)

-HSV – herpes simplex virus

-HTN – hypertension

-Hx – historymedical abbreviations list



-AAA – abdominal aortic aneurysm

-A-a gradient – alveolar to arterial gradient

-AAS – acute abdominal series

-ABD – abdomen

-ABG – arterial blood gas

-AC – before eating

-ACLS – advanced cardiac life support

-ACTH – adrenocorticotropic hormone

-AD – autonomic dysreflexia

-ad lib – as much as needed

-ADH – anti-diuretic hormone

-ADL – activity of daily living

-AF – atrial fibrillation or afebrile

-AFB – acid-fast bacilli

-AFP – alpha-fetoprotein

-AFO – ankle foot orthosis

-A/G – albumin/globulin ratio

-AI – aortic insufficiency

-AKA – above the knee amputation

-ALL – acute lymphocytic leukemia

-ALS – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease)

-amb – ambulate

-AML – acute myelogenous leukemia

-ANA – antinuclear antibody

-AOB – alcohol on breath

-AODM – adult onset diabetes mellitus

-AP – anteroposterior or abdominal – perineal

-ARDS – acute respiratory distress syndrome

-ARF – acute renal failure

-AS – aortic stenosis

-ASAP – as soon as possible

-ASCVD – atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

-ASD – atrial septal defect

-ASHD – atherosclerotic heart disease

-ASIA – American Spinal Injury Association

-AV – atrioventricular

-A-V – arteriovenous

-A-VO2 – arteriovenous oxygen

-BBB – bundle branch block

-BC – bowel care

-BCAA – branched chain amino acids

-BE – barium enema

-BEE – basal energy expenditure

-bid – twice a day

-bilat – bilateral

-BKA – below the knee amputation

-BM – bone marrow or bowel movement

-BMR – basal metabolic rate

-BOM – bilateral otitis media

-BP – blood pressure

-BPH – benign prostatic hypertrophy

-BPM – beats per minute

-BRBPR – bright red blood per rectum

-BRP – bathroom privileges

-BS – bowel or breath sounds

-BUN – blood urea nitrogen

-BW – body weight

-BX – biopsy

-c – with

-C&S – culture and sensitivity

-CA – cancer

-Ca – calcium

-CAA – crystalline amino acids

-CABG – coronary artery bypass graft

-CAD – coronary artery disease

-CAT – computerized axial tomography

-CBC – complete blood count

-CBG – capillary blood gas

-CC – chief complaint

-CCU – clean catch urine or cardiac care unit

-CCV – critical closing volume

-CF – cystic fibrosis

-CGL – chronic granulocytic leukemia

-CHF – congestive heart failure

-CHO – carbohydrate

-CI – cardiac index

-CML – chronic myelogenous leukemia

-CMV – cytomegalovirus

-CN – cranial nerves

-CNS – central nervous system

-CO – cardiac output

-C/O – complaining of

-COLD – chronic obstructive lung disease

-COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

-CP – chest pain or cerebral palsy

-CPAP – continuous positive airway pressure

-CPK – creatinine phosphokinase

-CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation

-CRCL – creatinine clearance

-CRF – chronic renal failure

-CRP – C-reactive protein

-CRTS – certified recreational therapy specialist

-CSF – cerebrospinal fluid

-CSW – certified social worker

-CT – computerized tomography

-CVA – cerebrovascular accident or costovertebral angle

-CVAT – CVA tenderness

-CVP – central venous pressure

-CXR – chest X-ray

-DAT – diet as tolerated

-DAW – dispense as written

-DC – discontinue or discharge

-D&C – dilation and curettage

-DDx – differential diagnosis

-D5W – 5% dextrose in water

-DI – diabetes insipidus

-DIC – disseminated intravascular coagulopathy

-DIP – distal interphalangeal joint

-DJD – degenerative joint disease

-DKA – diabetic ketoacidosis

-dL – deciliter

-DM – diabetes mellitus

-DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid

-DNR – do not resuscitate

-DOA – dead on arrival

-DOE – dyspnea on exertion

-DPL – diagnostic peritoneal lavage

-DPT – diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus

-DTR – deep tendon reflexes

-DVT – deep venous thrombosis

-DX – diagnosis

-EAA – essential amino acids

-EBL – estimated blood loss

-ECD – external continence device

-ECG – electrocardiogram

-ECT – electroconvulsive therapy

-ED – erectile dysfunction

-EFAD – essential fatty acid deficiency

-EMG – Electromyogram

-EMV – eyes, motor, verbal response (Glasgow coma scale)

-ENT – ears, nose, and throat

-EOM – extraocular muscles

-ESR – erythrocyte sedimentation rate

-ET – endotracheal

-ETT – endotracheal tube

-ERCP – endoscopic retrograde cholangio -pancreatography

-ETOH – ethanol

-EUA – examination under anesthesia

-FBS – fasting blood sugar

-FES – functional electrical stimulation

-FEV – forced expiratory volume

-FFP – fresh frozen plasma

-FRC – functional residual capacity

-FTT – failure to thrive

-FU – follow-up

-FUO – fever of unknown origin

-FVC – forced vital capacity

-Fx – fracture

-GC – gonorrhea

-GETT – general by endotracheal tube

-GFR – glomerular filtration rate

-GI – gastrointestinal

-gr – grain; 1 grain = 65mg

-GSW – gun shot wound

-gt or gtt – drops

-GTT – glucose tolerance test

-GU – genitourinary

-GXT – graded exercise tolerance (Stress test)

-HA – headache

-HAA – hepatitis B surface antigen

-HAV – hepatitis A virus

-HBP – high blood pressure

-HCG – human chorionic gonadotropin

-HCT – hematocrit

-HDL – high density lipoprotein

-HEENT – head, eyes, ears, nose, throat

-Hgb – hemoglobin

-H/H – Henderson-Hasselbach equation or hemoglobin/ hematocrit

-HIV – human immunodeficiency virus

-HLA – histocompatibility locus antigen

-HJR – hepatojugular reflex

-HO – history of

-HOB – head of bed

-HPF – high power field

-HPI – history of present illness

-HR – heart rate

-HS – at bedtime

-HSM – hepatosplenomegaly

-HTLV-III – human lymphotropic virus, type III (AIDS agent, HIV)

-HSV – herpes simplex virus

-HTN – hypertension

-Hx – history

Monday, August 8, 2016

(GERD) एसिडिटी क्या है?

[A] एसिडिटी क्या है?
कई बीमारियाँ ऐसी होती हैं। जिन्हें हम खुद बुलावा देते हैं। कहने का मतलब यह है कि हमारी गलत जीवनशैली ही ऐसे रोगों को बढ़ावा देती है। एसिडिटी ऐसे ही रोगों में से एक है। एसिडिटी को चिकित्सकीय भाषा में गैस्ट्रोइसोफेजियल रिफलक्स डिजीज (GERD) के नाम से जाना जाता है। आयुर्वेद में इसे अम्ल पित्त कहते हैं। आज इससे हर दूसरा व्यक्ति पीड़ित है। एसिडिटी होने पर शरीर की पाचन प्रक्रिया ठीक नहीं रहती।


[B] कारण?
आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसार आमाशय में पाचन क्रिया के लिए हाइड्रोक्लोरिक अम्ल तथा पेप्सिन का स्त्रवन होता है। सामान्य तौर पर यह अम्ल तथा पेप्सिन आमाशय में ही रहता है तथा भोजन नली के सम्पर्क में नहीं आता है। आमाशय तथा भोजन नली के जोड़ पर विशेष प्रकार की माँसपेशियाँ होती हैं जो अपनी संकुचनशीलता से आमाशय एवं आहार नली का रास्ता बंद रखती है तथा जब हम कुछ खाते-पीते हैं तभी खुलती हैं। लेकिन इनमें विकृति जाने पर ये कई बार अपने आप खुल जाती हैं और एसिड तथा पेप्सिन भोजन नली में जाता है। जब ऐसा बार-बार होता है तो आहार नली में सूजन तथा घाव हो जाते हैं। ऐसा हमारे गलत खान-पान, आरामदायक जीवनशैली, प्रदूषण, चाय, कॉफी, धूम्रपान, अल्कोहल और कैफीनयुक्त पदार्थों के ज्यादा इस्तेमाल करने से होता है।

[C] लक्षण?
1. सीने और छाती में जलन।
2. खाने के बाद या प्राय: सीने में जलन एवं दर्द रहना।
3. मुँह में खट्टा पानी आना।
4. गले में जलन और अपचन भी इसके लक्षणों में शामिल होते हैं।
5. एसिडिटी के कारण अपचन की वजह से घबराहट होती है, खट्टी डकारें आती हैं खट्टी डकारों के साथ गले में जलन-सी महसूस होती है।
[D] कुछ घरेलू उपचार:
1. अल्प मात्रा में दिन में तीन बार हल्का एवं सादा भोजन करें हर बार भोजन के बाद एक देशी गुड़ की डली मुँह में रखें और चबा-चबा कर खा जाएँ।
2. एक कप पानी उबालकर उसमें एक चम्मच सौंफ मिलाएँ इसको रातभर के लिए ढँक कर रख दें और सुबह उठकर इसके छने हुए पानी छान में 1 चम्मच शहद मिलाकर तीन टाइम भोजन के बाद ग्रहण करें।
3. एक गिलास गर्म पानी में एक चुटकी कालीमिर्च चूर्ण तथा आधा नींबू निचोड़कर नियमित रूप से सुबह सेवन करें। इसी के साथ सलाद के रूप में मूली पर काला नमक छिडक कर जरुर खाएँ।
4. एक लौंग और एक इलायची लेकर पाऊडर बना लें। इस मात्रा को प्रत्येक भोजन के बाद माऊथफ्रेशनर के रूप में खाएँ। इससे एसिडिटी भी सही होगी और मुँह से बदबू भी नहीं आएगी।
[E] ऐसे करें बचाव:

1. समय पर भोजन करें और भोजन करने के बाद कुछ देर टहलें

2. अपने खाने में ताजे फल, सलाद, सब्जियों का सूप, उबली हुई सब्जी को शामिल करें। हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियाँ और अंकुरित अनाज खूब खाएँ। ये विटामिन 'बी' और '' के बेहतरीन स्रोत होते हैं जो शरीर से एसिडिटी को जड़ मूल से बाहर निकाल देते हैं।

3. खाना हमेशा चबा-चबा कर और जरूरत से थोड़ा कम ही खाएँ। सदैव मिर्च-मसाले और ज्यादा तेल वाले भोजन से बचें।

4. अपने रोजमर्रा के आहार में मट्ठा और ताज़ा दही शामिल करें।

5. शराब, धूम्रपान और मांसाहारी भोजन से परहेज करें।

6. पानी खूब पिएँ। याद रखें इससे सिर्फ पाचन में मदद मिलती है, बल्कि शरीर से टॉक्सिन भी बाहर निकल जाते हैं।

7. खाने के बाद तुरंत पानी का सेवन करें। इसका सेवन कम से कम आधा अथवा एक घंटे के बाद ही करें।

8. तीखे मिर्च-मसाले अचार, तेल-घी-चिकनाई चाय-काफी एवं कोल्ड्रिंक्स के सेवन से बचें।

9. पाइन-एपल के जूस का सेवन करें, यह एन्जाइम्स से भरा होता है। खाने के बाद अगर पेट अधिक भरा भारी महसूस हो रहा है, तो आधा गिलास ताजे पाइनेपल का जूस पिएँ। सारी बेचैनी और एसिडिटी खत्म हो जाएगी।

10. आँवले का सेवन करें हालांकि यह खट्टा होता है, लेकिन अन्दर जाने के बाद इसकी क्रिया एवं प्रकृति एल्केलाईन हो जाती है अतः एसिडिटी के घरेलू उपचार के रूप में यह बहुत काम की चीज है।

11. गैस से फौरन राहत के लिए 2 चम्मच ऑंवला जूस या सूखा पिसा हुआ ऑंवला पाऊडर और दो चम्मच पिसी हुई मिश्री ले लें और दोनों को पानी में मिलाकर पी जाएँ।