Sunday, March 10, 2024

Power of Echocardiograms: A Window into Heart Health


The human heart, with its intricate network of chambers, valves, and blood vessels, is a marvel of nature's engineering. Yet, like any complex machine, it requires regular maintenance and monitoring to ensure optimal performance. Enter the echocardiogram, a non-invasive imaging tool that offers a detailed glimpse into the inner workings of the heart, helping healthcare providers diagnose, treat, and monitor a wide range of cardiovascular conditions.

Understanding Echocardiograms:

An echocardiogram, often referred to as an "echo," is a painless and safe diagnostic test that uses high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to create real-time images of the heart. These images provide valuable insights into the heart's structure, function, and blood flow, allowing healthcare providers to assess cardiac health comprehensively.

Types of Echocardiograms:

There are several types of echocardiograms, each serving a specific purpose:

Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE): This is the most common type of echocardiogram, performed by placing a transducer on the chest wall. It provides a comprehensive assessment of cardiac structure and function.

Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE): In this procedure, the transducer is inserted into the esophagus to obtain clearer images of the heart structures, especially for patients with suboptimal images from a standard TTE or when a more detailed evaluation is needed.

Stress Echocardiogram: This test combines echocardiography with exercise or pharmacological stress to evaluate heart function and blood flow during increased activity. It helps diagnose coronary artery disease and assess the heart's response to stress.

Applications of Echocardiograms:

Echocardiograms play a crucial role in diagnosing and managing various cardiovascular conditions, including:

Congenital Heart Defects: Echocardiograms can detect structural abnormalities present at birth, helping healthcare providers plan appropriate treatment strategies.

Valve Disorders: By assessing the function of the heart valves, echocardiograms aid in the diagnosis of conditions such as mitral valve prolapse, aortic stenosis, or regurgitation.

Heart Failure: Echocardiograms provide valuable information about the heart's pumping function, allowing healthcare providers to diagnose heart failure and monitor its progression.

Coronary Artery Disease: Stress echocardiograms help evaluate blood flow through the coronary arteries, aiding in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease and guiding treatment decisions.

The Importance of Regular Screening:

Regular echocardiograms can detect cardiovascular conditions in their early stages, allowing for timely intervention and management. Whether it's screening for congenital heart defects in newborns or monitoring heart function in individuals with existing heart conditions, echocardiography plays a crucial role in preventive healthcare.


Echocardiograms are invaluable tools in the field of cardiology, offering a non-invasive and detailed assessment of the heart's structure and function. By unlocking the power of echocardiography, healthcare providers can diagnose cardiovascular conditions, tailor treatment plans to individual needs, and ultimately improve patient outcomes. Whether you're a newborn entering the world or an adult navigating the complexities of heart health, the echo remains a trusted ally in the journey to a healthy heart.

Understanding Atrial Flutter: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment


Atrial flutter is a common cardiac arrhythmia characterized by rapid, regular atrial contractions. While not always life-threatening, it can lead to complications if left untreated. In this blog post, we'll explore the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for atrial flutter to help individuals better understand and manage this condition.

What is Atrial Flutter?

Atrial flutter is a type of abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) that occurs when the electrical signals in the upper chambers of the heart (atria) become rapid and disorganized. This results in a fast and regular heartbeat, typically ranging from 250 to 350 beats per minute.

Symptoms of Atrial Flutter:

The symptoms of atrial flutter can vary depending on the individual and the underlying cause. Common symptoms include:

Palpitations (sensation of rapid or irregular heartbeat)

Shortness of breath


Dizziness or lightheadedness

Chest discomfort or pain

Fainting or near-fainting episodes (syncope)

It's essential to note that some individuals with atrial flutter may not experience any symptoms, and the condition may only be detected during routine medical examinations or electrocardiogram (ECG) testing.

Causes of Atrial Flutter:

Atrial flutter is often associated with underlying heart conditions or other factors that disrupt the normal electrical activity of the heart. Common causes and risk factors include:

Heart Disease: Conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart valve disorders, cardiomyopathy, or congenital heart defects can increase the risk of developing atrial flutter.

Hypertension: High blood pressure can strain the heart and increase the likelihood of developing arrhythmias like atrial flutter.

Other Medical Conditions: Thyroid disorders, lung disease, diabetes, and electrolyte imbalances can contribute to the development of atrial flutter.

Medications and Substances: Certain medications, such as stimulants or medications that affect heart rhythm, as well as excessive alcohol consumption or illicit drug use, can trigger or exacerbate atrial flutter.

Diagnosis of Atrial Flutter:

Atrial flutter is typically diagnosed through a combination of medical history review, physical examination, and diagnostic tests, including:

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG): This test measures the electrical activity of the heart and can detect abnormalities indicative of atrial flutter.

Holter monitor: A portable ECG device worn by the patient for 24-48 hours to monitor heart rhythm continuously and capture intermittent arrhythmias.

Echocardiogram: This imaging test uses sound waves to create a detailed image of the heart's structure and function, helping to identify underlying heart conditions that may contribute to atrial flutter.

Treatment Options:

The treatment approach for atrial flutter aims to control symptoms, restore normal heart rhythm, and reduce the risk of complications. Treatment options may include:

Medications: Antiarrhythmic medications, such as beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, or rhythm-controlling medications, may be prescribed to help regulate heart rhythm and prevent recurrence of atrial flutter.

Cardioversion: In some cases, a procedure called cardioversion may be performed to restore normal heart rhythm by delivering a controlled electric shock to the heart.

Ablation Therapy: Catheter ablation is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat atrial flutter by targeting and destroying abnormal heart tissue responsible for the arrhythmia.

Implantable Devices: For individuals at high risk of recurrent atrial flutter or other arrhythmias, implantable devices such as pacemakers or implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) may be recommended to help monitor and regulate heart rhythm.

Lifestyle Modifications:

In addition to medical treatment, lifestyle modifications can help manage atrial flutter and reduce the risk of complications. These may include:

Maintaining a healthy diet low in sodium and saturated fats

Engaging in regular physical activity

Quitting smoking

Limiting alcohol and caffeine intake

Managing stress through relaxation techniques or mindfulness practices


Atrial flutter is a common cardiac arrhythmia that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life if not properly managed. By understanding the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for atrial flutter, individuals can work with their healthcare providers to develop a personalized treatment plan aimed at controlling symptoms, restoring normal heart rhythm, and reducing the risk of complications. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms suggestive of atrial flutter, it's essential to seek medical attention promptly for evaluation and appropriate management.

Understanding Iliotibial Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Iliotibial Syndrome, often abbreviated as IT band syndrome, is a common injury among runners and athletes, characterized by pain on the outside of the knee. This condition can be debilitating for those affected, impacting their ability to train and compete. In this blog post, we'll delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for iliotibial syndrome, providing valuable insights for both sufferers and those seeking to prevent it.

What is Iliotibial Syndrome?

The iliotibial band (IT band) is a thick band of connective tissue that runs along the outside of the thigh, from the hip to the knee. Iliotibial syndrome occurs when this band becomes irritated or inflamed, usually due to repetitive friction as the band rubs against the outer part of the knee joint.

Causes of Iliotibial Syndrome:

Several factors can contribute to the development of iliotibial syndrome, including:

Overuse: Engaging in activities that involve repetitive bending and straightening of the knee, such as running, cycling, or hiking, can strain the IT band and lead to irritation.

Muscle Imbalances: Weakness or tightness in the muscles surrounding the hips and knees can alter biomechanics, increasing stress on the IT band.

Poor Running Technique: Running with improper form, such as overstriding or excessive inward rotation of the knee, can exacerbate IT band irritation.

Training Errors: Sudden increases in training intensity or mileage without adequate rest and recovery can overload the IT band, leading to inflammation.

Symptoms of Iliotibial Syndrome:

The primary symptom of iliotibial syndrome is pain on the outside of the knee, which may worsen with activity, especially when bending or straightening the knee. Other common symptoms include:

Swelling or tenderness on the outside of the knee
Stiffness or tightness in the hip or thigh
Pain that worsens when going downhill or downstairs
Pain that subsides with rest but returns with activity
Treatment Options:

Treating iliotibial syndrome typically involves a combination of rest, rehabilitation exercises, and addressing underlying biomechanical issues. Here are some effective treatment options:

Rest and Ice: Resting the affected leg and applying ice packs to reduce inflammation can help alleviate pain and swelling.

Stretching and Strengthening: Performing stretching exercises to improve flexibility in the IT band and surrounding muscles, as well as strengthening exercises to address muscle imbalances, can help prevent recurrence of IT band syndrome.

Foam Rolling: Using a foam roller to massage and release tension in the IT band can provide relief from tightness and discomfort.

Cross-Training: Engaging in low-impact activities such as swimming or cycling can help maintain cardiovascular fitness while giving the IT band time to heal.

Biomechanical Assessment: Consulting with a physical therapist or sports medicine specialist can help identify and address any underlying biomechanical issues contributing to IT band syndrome, such as poor running technique or muscle imbalances.

Prevention Tips:

To prevent iliotibial syndrome from occurring or recurring, consider the following tips:

Gradually increase training intensity and mileage to avoid overuse injuries.
Incorporate strength training exercises for the hips, thighs, and core to improve muscle balance and stability.
Warm up properly before engaging in physical activity and cool down afterward with stretching exercises.
Ensure proper footwear and consider orthotics if you have biomechanical issues.
Listen to your body and address any signs of discomfort or pain promptly.
In conclusion, iliotibial syndrome is a common overuse injury that can sideline athletes and runners if not properly addressed. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for IT band syndrome, individuals can take proactive steps to manage and prevent this condition, allowing them to continue pursuing their fitness goals with confidence. If you're experiencing persistent knee pain or discomfort, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Commons CME nowadays in physiotherapy

 Continuous medical education is very important in physiotherapy like in other streams of allopathy.

We should update ourselves through CMS activity of the profession. In physiotherapy field various CMEs are there like:

Manual therapy.



Dry needling.

Acupuncture and acupressure.

I'll be select a good coach for yourself who is remind in the field.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


1) Excessive knee flexion from IC - midstance
  • lack of HS
  • frwd trunk flexion
  • lateral trunk flexion
  • lower cog
2) Absent/ dec knee flexion from IC - midstance
  • prolonged foot flat
  • hip abd on P Side
  • vaulting on sound side
3) Sudden early knee flexion at the end of midstance
  • prolong heel off
  • prolonged stance phase on sound side
  • arrhythmic gait pattern
4) Delayed knee flexion at end of stance
  • forward trunk lean
  • delayed toe-off on P Side
  • dec swing phase on sound side
  • sound leg leads
  • vaulting on s side
5) Excessive knee flexion prior to toe-off
  • pelvic drop, shoulder drop on P side
  • prolong stance on s side
  • arrhythmic gait pattern
6) Insufficient wt bearing during prosthetic midstance
  • prolonged stance on s side
  • shortened stance on p side
  • prosthesis abducted, cane braced, abducted against s side


1) Abducted gait
  • lateral placement of prosthesis during GC
  • inc in width of BOS
  • uneven timing
  • hip-hiking
  • prolonged stance on s side
  • vaulting
  • moderate lateral lean on p side
2) Circumducted gait
  • walking base is normal on double support
  • dec knee flexion on p side
  • hip hiking on p side
  • lateral pelvic drop
  • lateral trunk bending toward p side during stance
  • unequal timing

3) Uneven heel rise – caused by knee flexion following toe-off
  • swing phase is prolonged
  • moderate trunk bending towards s side
4) foot-slap following heel contact
  • unequal rhythm
  • trunk frwd flexion on heel contact
  • prolonged stance on s leg
5) Trunk frwd flexion

  • trunk leans frwd
  • reduced step-length
  • hip-hiking
  • prosthetic knee flex reduced
  • uneven timing


  • characteristic limp, antalgic gait of reflex defence
  • period of weight bearing on affected side is shorter
  • gluteus medius atrophy, cannot maintain the pelvis horizontally – follows painful stretching of the external part of the capsule – tendency to closure the angle between pelvis axis and axis of weight bearing limb
  • tendency to descent of pelvis contra-laterally
  • inclination of trunk toward weight bearing member
  • arm on wGait in RA

RA a systemic inflammatory disease process, characterized by B/L symmetrical pattern of joint involvement and chronic inflammation of the synovium

*According to a study in J Biomechanics in 1988, “Gait in RA” following results were concluded on a study of 17 female RA patients.

  • Stride length & duration of g art cycle were decreased .
  • Mobility (ROM) of ankle joint was significantly less in both rotation & adduction among RA patients.

  • Rotation of the hip joint increased.
  • Adduction at hip joint decreased

  • No ssd were ascertained in ROM of knee joint.

  • Maximum angular execution of ankle at toe off.

  • Pattern of ankle flexion- different in RA patients.

  • Smaller PF at toe off than normals.

  • In advanced stages of disease, tendency to valgus deformity.

  • Inflammation of ankle joint prevented the normal mechanism of adduction in subtlar joint at the end of stance, for an energetic push off (by rigid lever)

*According to a study by D Laroche et al in J Biomechanics, 2005 on “Effect of loss of MTP joint mobility on gait in RA”, it was concluded.

  • Walking velocity & stride length were decreased +vely related to MTP DF ROM
  • Decreased MTP ROM –esp in DF rom
  • Pain during walking was exp by 5/9 patients and DF tended to be decreased in these patients
  • Negative relationship b/w MTP DF rom & maximal hip and knee flexion during walking.

OA marked by two localized , pathological features

Progressive destruction of articular & formation of bone at the margins of joint.

Confines itself to affected joint.

Mechanical factors play a significant role in the ethology of the disease by giving rise to instating
joint damage.

High loading rates-increases risk if OA.

*According to study by H.S. Gill of Biomechanics, 2003 on”Heel strike & pathomechanics of OA” it was concluded that;

The test population was divided into two gps

Displayed markedly different loading during H S phrase of gait- attributed to differences in the vertical velocity of the ankle at HS.

Differences in loading -more apparent in saggital plane.

Subtle differences in the trajectories appeared to produce large difference on ankle velocity at HS .

The Non -loader gp lifted their ankle higher (ssd) than loader gp during early swing phase.

Antalgic Gait

It reflects the body’s efforts to compensate for pain or instability in the stance- phase limb by minimizing the duration and magnitude of loading. It is a gait pattern characterized by diminished single limb stance time.
  • Habitual limp
  • Distinguished by awkward displacement of shoulder &
  • Characteristic rhythm

*According to a study in JBJS, 1939
Probable cause
      1. Shortening – a sufficiently large number of coxalgic patient are cured with affected limb, the same length as the other
  • i.e. there is no shortening but patients continue to limp
  • patients with shortening following fracture of the thigh do not commence to limp (unless 3-4 cm)

      1. Ankylosis – Bony ankylosis of hip, consequent to a true osseous fusion of femur to pelvis causes only a very slight limp
- the less complete the ankylosis the more attentuated limp

3) Deformity – (flexion, abduction, adduction, irotation)
  • deformities when very marked – render walking almost impossible

  • compensatory attitude – ascent of pelvis, accentuated lorsosis – too render walking possible but with awkward and painful limp

  • with correction of deformity antalgic gait reappears

Trendelenburg Limp – mechanical phenomenon
  • insufficiency of the gluteus medius
  • causes pivoting of the pelvis around femoral head
  • descent of iliac spine on the contra-lateral side, as a result
  • lack of opposition of this descent
  • may be associated with CDH

  • eight bearing side is carried outward in order to aid in the lateral displacement of the weight of the upper segment
  • ankle of the contra-lateral side rests upon knee of the stance side, permits transposition of weight of non weight bearing limb to a point outside the affected hip
  • cog is no longer in the middle, displaced towards affected side – almost above femoral head

Thus limp seen in coxalgia – a limp of defence be antalgic reflex
  • not associated exclusively with coxalgia
  • seen in all conditions causing instability of hip
  • frequent in CDH – particularly in subluxation where arthritis predominates
  • bi-lateral CDH
  • it is an indication of degree of irritability of neo-capsule
  • arthritis deformans
  • antalgic movement makes avoidance of pain possible

Hemiplegic Gait

The word hemiplegia means the neuromuscular disorder that involves one-half of the body i.e. paralysis of the body in the frontal plane while the other half is normal/near normal.
Hemiplegia may occur in adults as a result of CVA, traumatic brain injury & in children due to cp apart from trauma.

Deviations in hemiplegic gait

*Acc. To a study by Sandra J Olney et al in 1994 on various variables related to gait speed in hemiplegic pts. Following results were concluded.

  • -ve correlations b/w gait speed & variables-stance double support
  • max. extension of the affected hip bore the strongest relationship to speed the greater the angle the greater the speed.
  • A very strong association b/w speed & max. hip flexion moment was observed,
  • Speed of walking chosen by the pts. Is related to the strength of affected limb
  • Knee power relates +vely to speed –unless knee flexion occurs a functional push-off at ankle & pull-off at hip cannot be achieved
  • High correlation b/w max hip power & +ve work of the hip with speed is noted. Max hip power occurs durin late stance, early swing.
  • Therapeutic programs (biofeedback) that are directed towards changing specific variables have potential only if within subject variation relates to predictably to speed otherwise it will be useless to train in them.
  • Certain variables are notable for not relating to speed e.g. knee flexion in stance phase is poorly related to speed so no point training in knee control to gain speed .